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We currently offer two video series, hosted through Facebook, which cover a wide range of topics applicable to both working and pet dogs. Please check out the descriptions below for each series.





This is a video series dedicated to puppy imprinting and development up to 6 months.

To join this group, please request to join this group on Facebook and submit a $50 payment via or send directly to

Your request to join will be approved once payment is received.


Topics and training for these videos include :

*Environmental Exposure

*Puppy Selection

*Behavior Shaping

*Drive Building

*Grip Development

*Odor Imprinting (using our scent tube system)

*Marker Training with Puppies


We also include full length video of our entire lectures from some of our classes.

The lectures are approximately 3 hours each.

These lectures include :

*Classical and Operant Conditioning

*Bite Work &  Grip Development



This series includes around 70 videos, averaging 10-15 minutes each.

As always, we show the entire training session from the very beginning, without editing out any issues or problems that occur so you can see how to address those problems as they arise.

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This is a video series dedicated to documenting a training progression with a detection dog from the very beginning.

To join this group, please request to join this group on Facebook and submit a $25 payment via or send directly to

Your request to join will be approved once payment is received.


Topics and training for these videos will include :

*Odor Imprinting

*Proofing Distractor Odors

*Teaching a Trained Final Response

*Teaching an Independent Search Pattern

*Vehicle Searches

*Interior and Exterior Searches

This series includes around 35 videos, averaging 10-15 minutes each. We have also included a few Q&A videos with questions from our members.


As always, we show the entire training session from the very beginning, without editing out any issues or problems that occur so you can see how to address those problems as they arise.

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